A huge counterfeiting scam which conned shoppers into buying fake Ugg boots has been shut down. A husband and wife made nearly £100,000 selling replicas imported from China. Habib and Aisha Melloul, both 28, set up an online shop called Ugg Love selling the boots for £88.50 a pair. They normally cost around £100. Ugg Sale and Ugg UK for your cheap uggs They were caught when investigators swooped on an open-air market in London where Habib was touting for business. He was last week jailed for a year and his wife given a six-month suspended sentence. The pair spent the cash on meals and expensive clothes. Trading standards investigators in Brent, North London, called it a "sophisticated" fraud. Spokesman Bill Bilon said: "This was a substantial enterprise to make profit from counterfeit goods."
Read more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2010/08/22/the-ugg-ly-face-of-a-100k-counterfeiting-scam-115875-22504860/#ixzz0z24iCnpb
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